
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Side Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine can give us a head start in the morning. It gives us a popping burst of energy and keep us on our toes - at least for a couple of hours. That is because caffeine blocks adenosine, which is a chemical in the body that tells it to shut down when tired. However, keeping the adenosine  in the body continously blocked is not something to be desired. After the initial caffeine high, the bad things that caffeine is known for will sets in. You will never know what strange side effect caffeine may have on you  when the caffeine high starts to ebb, you may find yourself feeling tired, irritable and even depressed as what I'm feeling at the moment o_O Most of us did not realize but caffeine is already a lifetime drug for many of us. Once we're addicted, our body will always crave the boost that we kind of get from it.

Some of us begin with hot chocolate or chocolate bars, which contain some caffeine, move into colas or other soft drinks with caffeine, and then add coffee and tea. Cola naturally contains caffeine, yet many soft drinks have even more added. The caffeine creates an addiction to the drink. Xanthines, theophylline, is found in black teas; it is also commonly used in medicine to aid in breathing. Theobromine, the third xanthine derivative, is found in cocoa.

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Intoxication or Abuse; Nervousness, headache, increased heart rate, anxiety, upset stomach, irregular heartbeat, irritability, GI irritation, elevated blood pressure, agitation, heartburn, increased cholesterol, tremors,  diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, depression, dizziness, bed wetting. (I'm currently experiencing at least 5 of these symptoms =) eh but of course not bed wetting okay XDDD

OK so now that we want to decaf...still, there's some unsightly symptoms too... bear with it coz like other "diseasse" it will usually get worst first before it can gets better =( some symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are headache, constipation, runny nose, craving, anxiety, nausea, irritability, nervousness, vomiting, insomnia, shakiness, cramps, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, depression, drowsiness, feeling hot and cold, apathy, inability to concentrate.

The most common withdrawal symptom is a throbbing and/or pressure headache, usually located at the temples but occasionally at the back of the head or around the eyes. A vague muscular headache often follows. Of course, caffeine cures the symptom; but this is not the answer.

It’s ok to have a piece of chocolate or a cup of coffe every now and then but please be sure not to use caffeine on a daily basis, especially for woman because woman who does will tend to experience pre-menstrual syndrome more acutely than women who do not. You would never know what strange side effect caffeine may have on you. However I have to admit at the time I'm writing this post I'm still craving for my caffeine fix for the last "fix" was at 10pm last night o_O


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