
Friday, March 25, 2011

Effects Of Laptop

Did you know, the effects of exposure to computers affect the level of male fertility by inducing DNA fragmentation and decreased the motility????

The study of Conrado Avendano, author of the study and director of research at the Reproductive Medical Center Nascentis in Cordoba, Argentina, showed after incubation 4 hours, seized at the movement of sperm decreased significantly for group that exposed  to the WiFi signal reception for  4 hours despite the sperm were kept at the controlled temperature of (25 ° C). This is because the DNA of sperm readily damage.

Use a laptop computer that was placed near the testis which is placed in the lap will reduce the  sperm quality and  probability for fertilization to occur. Therefore avoid exposure to the thermal effects of laptop, cell phone and now frequency electromagnetic waves from WiFi signals

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