
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Before the Semester Even Starts

1.   College is serious. What are your priorities?
2.   Select instructors as carefully as you select courses.
o    Choose a professor that is excited about what she/he teaches.
o    Enthusiasm and excitement are contagious!
3.   Do not schedule back to back classes. You'll wear yourself out besides missing out on the best times to studyright before and after class.
4.   Establish a routine time to study for each class. For every hour you spend in class, it has been estimated that two hours outside the classroom will be required for homework, reading assignments, editing and reviewing classnotes. Be consistent. Studying should be undertaken at the same time and the same place, if possible.
5.   Establish a place to study. Your regular place to study should be just that. It should not be a place where you routinely do other things. It should have a comfortable desk and chair as well as good lighting. It should be as free from distractions as possible.
6.   Learn about campus study resources and use them. Before the semester even begins, walk the campus. Ask questions of staff members and faculty. Find out where computer and language labs are located. Find out the procedure used to sign up for tutoring if the need arises. Get to know your adviser and counselor. Visit with potential instructors. Obtain a copy of their syllabus. Some are located online. Talk to other students about instructors they recommend and why.
7.   Start the semester with a positive attitude. Work hard to maintain that positive attitude. Be aware that attitude can inhibit learning. If it is, take responsibility for it and correct it.

STUDY SKILLS SURVEY - REALITY QUOTIENT is to be used to realistically and honestly evaluate your skills and goals.
  • Rank your study skills from 1 to 10 in each of the following competencies (1 represents a lack of skill; 10 represents mastery).

BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!! Honest self-assessment is a vital part of learning.
_____ 1. Managing my time to meet school, job, and relaxation needs.
_____ 2. Setting realistic academic and personal goals.
_____ 3. Staying alert and focused during classes.
_____ 4. Listening effectively to get the most out of lectures.
_____ 5. Taking lecture notes that are complete, clear, and useful.
_____ 6. Reading my textbooks so that I learn what is essential.
_____ 7. Understanding how I learn best.
_____ 8. Studying effectively for exams.
_____ 9. Using a variety of strategies to remember information.
_____ 10. Keeping track of my standing in all my classes throughout the semester.
_____ 11. Testing myself to see if I really understand information.
_____ 12. Using visual aids to enhance learning.
_____ 13. Knowing what I need in a study space.
_____ 14. Motivating myself to study.
_____ 15. Differentiating between essential and non-essential information in my textbook readings.
_____ 16. Studying courses material so that I understand and retain it for exams.
_____ 17. Taking exams in an efficient and systematic fashion.

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